Methodology of Information Technology Business Requirements Creation


  • Hana Neníčková


Purpose of the article: The topics of business analysis has been is rapidly developed approach recently. It is used as a supporting tool for enterprise business goals ensuring through informations systems availability. Methodologies currently used for that analysis are focusing mainly to detailed specification of business requirements. But attention should be paid also to connections and interfaces from identified requirements to changes in company organizations, which should be caused by future information systems implementations.The goal of this article is to find appropriate methods of approach and steps needed for information systems business requirements definition and their implications and relationships among organizational and process issues in the company. Scientific aim: of this article Scientific aim of this article is based on the relationships from business requirements to other business issues identification and their justification and explanation. Those relationships were found, discussed and described also in diagrams to serve as a methodical base of practical approach to business analysis, mainly in the phase of information systems business requirements elicitation and analysis. Methodology/methods: Selected scientific articles and other literature published with busi-ness analysis and business requirement theme are mainly used to support discussion of business requirements creation. The secondary research was performed from those materials and the findings were discusses. Experiences from my own practice were also helpfuly used to fill the induction of conclusions. Findings: Findings are based on currently used methodological approaches to business requirements creation. They have been identified as business analysis components. These approaches consist of several steps and iterations without relationships outside the project scope. Business processes and supported IT services should be taken into account. Conclusions: (limits, implications etc) Conclusions are focused on relationships indentification to be covered by business requirements creation. Identified relationships to business processes and IT services (ITIL processes) have different direction which should influence the business requirements creation.




