The Impact of the Implementation of Regulatory Fees for Dispensing Prescription Drugs to the Expenditure of Household in ČR


  • Soňa Cetlová


Purpose of the article: This article aims to answer the question whether there was a change in the size of household expenditures on drugs following the the implementation of regulatory fees in health care system in the Czech Republic. Consequently make recommendations for households based on scenarios drawn up in order to minimize expenditure on drugs in connection with the introduction of regulatory fees for prescription drugs. Methodology/methods: In order to determine a structural break in the studied household expenditure on health was applied statistical research methods of time series, namely the Chow test. Consequently they are assembled using scenarios drawn up ways to reduce household expenditures on drugs. The scenarios used in this work are compiled as a model situation of treatment of influenza. This illness provides 3 ways of treatment. The first scenario refers to treatment of diseases using OTC drugs, the second scenario reflects the treatment associated with the visit of physicians and prescribing drugs and the last scenario is associated with a preventive measure as vaccination against influenza. Scientific aim: This paper is aimed at revealing whether the implementation of regulatory fees caused the expected changes in the size of household expenditures on prescription drugs. Findings: Chow test results on the surveyed data showed the structural break in household expenditure. These changes occurred by increasing the participation of patients on treatment and also by changing buying behavior. Conclusions: The article showed that there was a structural break in the average household expenditure and household employees with and without children. Costs associated with treatment of influenza are the lowest in the case of treatment using OTC drugs visit physicians and prescribing of prescription drugs is associated with higher costs and the most expensive is a variant of vaccination against influenza.




