Modelling Capabilities of the Electronic Support of Education


  • Martina Janková


system approach, electronic education, new economy, cybernetics, modeling, information and communication technology


Purpose of the article: This article focuses on systemic defining of an abstract model and a system-integrated cyber environment for a modern concept of an electronic business (e-business) in the field of an e-learning and electronic support processes in a cyberspace of an education in general. Furthermore, it focuses on a possible use of modelling processes for a planned electronic support of an education in newly conceived intelligent e-business models involving a cyberspace with an electronic support and training in an integrated dynamic technical and social environment of a future new economy. Methodology/methods: The article uses the following methods – system analysis, system identification, modelling, mathematical process modelling, model optimization, system integration and use of modelling simulation processes. Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to create system-integrated cyber environment (cyberspace) as a possible model for a modern e-business in the area of an education. The key to success nowadays is an ability to innovate and continually improve environment of a management in the education‘s cyberspace. The final objective will be to assess trends in the use of modelling and simulation methods for designing the system-integrated model of e-business in the education’s cyberspace. Then consider the possibilities of using selected cybernetics methods, artificial intelligence and mathematical modelling for the intelligent models with optimized structures and an adaptive behaviour of the system. Findings: The research results will contribute to the development of knowledge and designing of modern approaches to an economic driven development of companies in terms of changing global markets. Conclusions: An approach to solving the research was mainly focused on the possible identification of the existing environment in the area of cyberspace. Furthermore, it focused on the expression of current possibilities of modern theories for the modelling in education‘s cyberspace




