Ethical Rules

Ethical rules of publication in the journal Trends in Economics and Management

The fundamental and paramount priority of the editors of the academic journal Trends in Economics and Management is to avoid any illegal or unethical procedure or practices. The aim is to publish the results of authors’ work based on their own research or other creative activities that extend the boundaries of human knowledge and support the development of artistic and cultural value, scholarship, technical innovation, etc., and to take the necessary efforts in all cases to ensure that the given results serve to benefit society. To respect the intellectual ownership of other persons and to observe the rules on copyright in accordance with the law on copyright. To not tolerate plagiarism under any circumstances.
By submitting a paper, its author or authors confirm that the given paper is their own original work. The following rules are binding on all parties participating in the editorial process.

The editorial team:
- respects universal ethical rules relating to the publication activity of specialist academic publications based on the “double blind peer review” process (see Peer Review Process);
- respects the Ethical Code of Brno University of Technology and observes Act 121/2000 Sb. on Copyright, Rights Associated with Copyright and the Amendment of Other Laws (The Copyright Law);
- is responsible for the content and overall technical quality of the papers and other articles published in the journal;
- operates on the basis of confidentiality in respect of all information related to submitted papers;
- assures the anonymity of reviewers and authors during the course of the entire review process;
- endeavours to avoid all potential conflicts of interest between authors and reviewers.

The author(s) of a paper:
- are responsible for observing the instructions for authors and the formal requirements of papers (see Author Guidelines, Template, Further Information);
- affirm that the paper entered in the journal system has not previously been published;
- affirm that the paper is their own original work;
- are responsible for the objectivity, reliability and accuracy of the published results of their research and respect the confines of the methods used;
- take due heed of completeness, verifiability and objective interpretation during the publication of their knowledge and results;
- are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of citations and the assurance of the necessary permission to use the intellectual property of other persons or legal entities (where necessary);
- will take all necessary and possible steps to rectify the situation if an error, serious mistake or inaccuracy associated with content appears in their publications and will not attempt to conceal it or cover it up;
- will not deliberately publish merely incomplete parts of their research activities with the aim of increasing the number of their published works;
- are responsible for stating the authorship of all co-authors contributing to the preparation or creation of their paper, and declare that all co-authors are aware of the fact that the given paper has been submitted for the review process and agree to its content and the statement of their names as co-authors;
- are responsible for final authorial editing;
- are obliged to give notification of any conflict of interest;
- agree with all points of the Submission Preparation Checklist, including the conferral of a licence for publication.

The authors of individual articles retain copyright and right of publication.

The reviewer of a paper:
- performs the requested appraisal, review or other assessment in person, independently and with due care;
- protects the intellectual ownership of the authors of the papers reviewed, does not use any information contained in the works assessed for any purpose other than the drawing up of the given judgement, and does not provide it to any third party;
- does not deliberately prolong the assessment period for the purpose of obtaining advantages for him or herself or for any third party;
- will refuse to produce an academic or specialist standpoint if his or her conclusions might be influenced by his or her own personal interests, or gives clear notification of such a situation; avoids any conscious conflicts of interest;
- draws up his or her expert viewpoints responsibly, restricting him or herself in all cases to areas covered by his or her area of expertise, while remaining unaffected by external pressures;
- bases his or her assessments and reviews, where possible, on objective criteria, observes the journal’s review proceedings rules and demands the same of other participants in the given proceedings;
- gives notification of all discrepancies and of all similarities with other reviewed papers or other previously published works of which he or she is familiar;
- is responsible for objective review proceedings during the assessment of papers sent anonymously and for the justification of his or her views, including clear argumentation; the reviewer should also recommend adequate literature and sources if these have not been included in the paper;
- is obliged to recommend only positively reviewed papers for publication;
- is obliged to notify the editor if he or she is not capable of meeting the deadline for a review judgement and, where appropriate, to recommend another reviewer.